Wednesday, December 19, 2012



In some places they are nuisances, in others they do not exist except as a part of your everyday scenery. Imagine you were homeless, cold, sad, and hungry. That you have nowhere to go, no one to comfort you, not one piece of clean clothing. How would you feel? Over 650 thousand Americans are homeless, with no job, no food, just hoping that some friendly bypassers will spare them some money, but as most of us know that does not happen often. Some people treat them like they are some sort of creature that has just crawled out of the sewer. Some just ignore them. That is not right! Just because they look dirty and mean does not mean that they are, they are just scared and need help. Why don’t we help them? What makes us better than them? They are people just like us, they have feelings just like us, they have needs just like us, but what they do not have is money, food, a house. What some of us are forgetting is that they are just like us, people and all people should be treated the same. As many great leaders have said, “All men were created equal.” most of mankind has forgotten this ideal in their struggle to get ahead. Now befor you leave think about this. Think .How would you feel if you were them no one paying any attention to you, not knowing when your next meal will be. Think about that. Thank you.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Fired For Using The "Like" Button

Six workers in Virginia were fired from their jobs because they liked a post on Facebook. Their boss, Sheriff B.J. Roberts fired them because they liked the Facebook page of Jim Adams, who was running against Roberts for the position of sheriff. The workers brought the case to court because they believe that being fired for liking a page is against the first amendment, the freedom of speech. The defendants state that it is harmless to like a page and that they were just supporting someone they knew. Judge Raymond A. Jackson tells it differently, he states that by liking a page you are showing that you like whatever that means. The ruling will most likely be appealed and could be taken to Supreme Court. Do you think that this case should be taken to the supreme court or that it should stand as is? I believe that the author of this article was trying to get out that you should be careful of what you put out on sites like Facebook, Twitter and other social networks because once you do put something it is permanent.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

What if ...
If you received any sum of money as a gift, what would you do with it?

If I received any sum of money as a gift, what would I do with it, it would depend on the size of the moneny gift. If I were to recieve a large ammount of money I would take half of it and buy some items that I would want, then donate some and put the rest in a bank account. If it were a medium ammount of money I would save it untill I reached a larger ammount. If I recieved a small ammount of money I would donate it all because a small ammount of money would be more benificial to others who need it.